What’s new in Nordic Sustainable Construction?

Future Nordic collaboration, place-based architecture, skills to build with reused construction materials and recommendations for harmonising methods for limit values for buildings.

Publiceret 19-03-2024

The first reference group meeting in 2024 was organised in collaboration with the Faroe Islands’ Ministry of Environment, Landsverk and Nordic Sustainable Construction. Here, representatives of Nordic authorities and organisations met to hear about the latest deliveries from the programme and discuss the future of Nordic collaboration of construction and housing in two workshops.

news form nordic sustainable construction

The Nordic countries take turn hosting the reference group meetings of Nordic Sustainable Construction. The visit to Torshavn offered the possibility to share results, insightful discussions of present and future collaborations, knowledge sharing, workshops and inspiration.

All work package leaders presented the progress of their work packages, and the following key programme accomplishments were highlighted:

The Work Package on Nordic Harmonisation of LCA

Upcoming activities:

  • Report and webinar on process for gathering typical data, data for old buildings, biobased products and vegetation
  • Report on monitoring decarbonisation of Nordic building stock

The Work Package on Circular Business Models and Procurement

Upcoming activities:

  • The smart city project continues with Stavangar and Tampere as participants, Copenhagen and Stockholm as follower cities. Learnings from the cities will soon to be published in a report
  • A Technical playbook on Marine biobased building materials is also to be published soon. Read about project here

Picture from workshop

The Work Package on Sustainable Building Materials and Architecture

  • The article and roundtable recommendations on “Perspectives on Place-Based Architecture” have been published
  • Preliminary recommendations for Nordic collaboration

Upcoming activities:

  • Article and roundtable recommendations on “Legislation for sustainable construction and architecture”
  • Article and roundtable recommendations on “Unheard voices in architecture and construction policy”

The Work Package on Emission-free Construction Sites

Upcoming activities:

  • Report on guidelines for circular planning, procuring, implementing and evaluating emission-free construction sites. The guidelines are aimed at project owners, public authorities, architects and contractors


The Work Package of the Programme Secretariat and Competences for Reuse in Construction

Highlights from the webinar will come in this link in the coming weeks

Upcoming activities:

  • Dissemination of Skills4Reuse teaching materials at webinars and international events
  • Continued sharing and communication about the results of Nordic Sustainable Construction programme


Workshops: What should the Nordic Countries Collaborate on toward 2030?

Throughout the day, the reference group gave input at two workshops focusing on a future Nordic collaboration from 2025-2030. The participants discussed potential goals, subsidiary goals and activities under the themes digitalisation, circularity and climate that could contribute to minimising the climate and environmental impact of the Nordic construction sector.

This input will form the basis to further discuss how the construction sector will contribute to the green transformation toward year 2030. It will also be the foundation of discussing a potential new phase of the Nordic Sustainable Construction programme.

About the Nordic Sustainable Construction Reference Group Meetings

The quarterly reference group meetings in the Nordic Sustainable Construction programme is an important tool in our programmes work towards harmonisation and the green transition of the Nordic construction. Government representatives from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Faeroe Islands, Greenland and Åland are represented in the reference group to ensure that the progress, knowledge and findings gathered in the programme are anchored in all the Nordic countries.