Circular Build Forum is initiated by a wide range of stakeholders from the Danish construction industry. with the acknowledgement that collaboration and knowledge sharing across the value chain is pivotal to overcome some of the barriers for circular construction.
For two days, more than 380 stakeholders participated and shared knowledge and discussed possible solutions that hinders the scale-up of circular construction.
The session “EU initiatives – how our neighboring countries are working with circular construction” focused on what can be learned from outside of Denmark.
The speakers on the session were:
Philippe Moseley DG GROW, EU Commission
Menno Rubbens Advisor to the Dutch government on circular construction
Michael Ghyoot FCRBE project,
Dominik Campanell DGNB
Nordic Sustainable Construction, represented by Helle Redder Momsen, Danish Housing and Planning Authority
The session was moderated by Dansk Standard, Birgitte Ostertag.