New report from Nordic Networks for Circular Construction

Nordic Networks for Circular Construction Presents a New Narrative for the Nordic Baukultur

Publiceret 23-05-2024

The Nordic built environment has always reflected societal transformations and aimed to improve the quality of life. In the multi-crisis era, the built environment must once again be transformed. This report is a vision of how the built environment could be more sustainable and work for the best of the planet and people.

Front page of the report An invitation to be exceptional - a narrative for the nordic Baukultur

A New Narrative to Transform the Built Environment

The Nordic countries are known as frontrunners when it comes to successful societal transformations. Our built environment has always reflected these transformations but perhaps it is time to once again transform the perception and the physical reality of the built environment. That is the aim of the new report “An Invitation to Be Exceptional: A Narrative for the Nordic Baukultur” produced by Nordic Sustainable Construction’s sister project the Nordic Networks for Circular Construction.

A Nordic interpretation of Baukultur is an opportunity to define what high-quality building culture means in our unique context. It also provides a chance for the Nordics to spearhead sustainable development, this time by creating a more expansive cultural concept that genuinely addresses the challenges of our time.

Several built environment experts from all the Nordic countries have participated in discussions and workshops to drive the development.

What is Baukultur?

Baukultur is a German word that translates to “building culture”. The concept has emerged as a way to address the built environment’s turmoil and to challenge us to think differently. It is a holistic approach emphasizing quality, sustainability, and social inclusion. Baukultur covers all aspects of the built environment, from urban planning and architecture to landscape design and construction.

Five Principles from the Nordic Culture and Heritage

In this report, Nordic Networks for Circular Construction present a narrative for the Nordic Baukultur, a vision of how the Nordic built environment could adapt to the changes and challenges we – the providers and users of buildings – are facing. The vision and its five principles stem from Nordic culture and heritage, and lean towards the future. The five principles are:

  1. A future where our connection to nature is reflected in our built environment
  2. A future where every building is a testament to the Nordic quality and contributes to a high quality of life for everyone.
  3. A future where communities have agency over their environments.
  4. A future where we come together to innovate and experiment with new technical and economical ownership and decision-making models.
  5. A future where the Nordics are global leaders in cutting-edge technologies and methods.

You can read the full vision in the report "An Invitation to Be Exceptional: A Narrative for the Nordic Baukultur". 

Read the report here

The Nordic Council of Ministers funds the Nordic Networks for Circular Construction.