Webinar on Reuse and Recycling in Construction

The Construction Sector: Opportunities for Reuse and Recycling


This webinar hosted by the Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy (NCE) will explore the construction sector from various perspectives. This includes key aspects such as legislative measures, environmental and low-carbon initiatives, Nordic collaboration, digitalisation, needed tools and financial instruments, and leading actors. So sign up to engage in thought-provoking discussions, gain insights, and be part of the sustainable construction revolution. Nordic Sustainable Construction will present current Nordic collaboration to minimise negative environmental and climate impacts from the construction sector.

Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy (NCE), together with Nordic collaborators, welcomes you to a webinar exploring the possibilities for reuse and recycling in the construction industry. The Nordic Council of Ministers has over several years gathered knowledge in the field through Vision Projects and working groups. The webinar will present these insights, followed by a discussion and Q&A. At the webinar, Helle Redder Momsen from Nordic Sustainable Construction will present Nordic collaborations on minimising climate and environmental impact from the construction sector.  


12:00–12:10 Welcome and presentation of today’s programme

Inger Johanne Wiese, Chair at NCE, Senior Advisor at the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.

12:10–12:15 Moderators introduce themselves

Cathrine Barth, Head of Circular Economy at Natural State, Norway and Elin Bergman, COO of Cradlenet, Sweden — both co-founders of the Nordic Circular Hotspot

12:15–12:30 The framework for the building and construction sector: the EU Green Deal and the Ecodesign Directive

Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Unit Presso, European Commission

12:30–13:10 State of the Nordics

Low Carbon Circular Transition in the Nordics — potentials, needed actions, and results from the report

Susanna Sepponen, Senior Manager, Gaia Consulting

What are the Nordic countries collaborating on to minimise the negative impacts on climate and the environment from the construction sector?
Talk followed by a short Q&A.

Helle Redder Momsen, Head of Secretariat, Nordic Sustainable Construction

13:10–13:25 Digitalisation in the trade and service sectors

Solveig Irgens, Project Manager for Circular Economy, Hovedorganisasjonen Virke

13:25–13:40 Break

13:40–13:55 Challenges and tools

Circular solutions for the construction sector

Elin Hansen, Head of Circular Economy, Zero

Financial instruments in the construction sector

Nordic Environmental Economics Group (NME) Gaia/IVL

13:55–14:45 Circular stories from Nordic cities and regions

Nordic Circular Hotspot for circular collaboration and transition in the construction sector

Anett Andreassen, Transition group leader for the construction group Nordic Circular Hotspot

The city of Gothenburg leading the way for circular construction

Susan Runsten, Process Leader Sustainability, Cluster and Innovation, Business Region Göteborg, Göteborgs Stads Näringslivskontor  

Experiences from Danish cities within construction

Digitalisation of building materials (Norway)

Frank Jaegtnes, The Coordinating Council for the BAE industry

14:45–15:15 Conversation and Q&A on myOnvent

15:15–15:30: Closing

Registre for webinar on reuse and recycling in construction here