Low carbon clinics to support new construction projects


This webinar presents new opportunities for support on decarbonization of construction activities. A set of clinics will support projects in reducing climate impact and provide hands-on advice on realizing strategies and targets for their project.

Sign up for

Nordic Low Carbon Clinics

Get tailored support and advice for reducing the climate impact of your specific project.

Submit project for

Low Carbon Building Catalogue

Showcase your project as an exemplary Nordic low carbon project.

See the presentation from the webinar here

Support and hands-on advice

Join this webinar to hear about the new opportunities for getting support and hand-on advice for decarbonizing your specific construction project. We invite attendees to ask questions about the clinics and the outcome of the project. We also welcome your inputs and views on the project and where you see the biggest need for support in decarbonization of building projects.

The webinar is hosted by our programme partner, Ministry of Environment of Finland and SWECO Denmark, who are responsible for the project.

The aim of this project is to accelerate the decarbonisation of building and construction sector. A lack of resources and best practice examples are slowing down the construction sector to meet climate targets. Construction companies are in different phases in setting and implementing low carbon solutions. In many cases, external sparring and support are needed for setting the right targets for the projects and for implementing good low carbon and circular solutions.

Low carbon clinic for selected new construction projects

This part of the project aims to establish a dynamic platform through clinics that will serve as a hub for knowledge exchange, professional guidance, and collaborative learning. The goal is to empower contractors with the tools and know-how to reduce carbon footprints and elevate sustainability in their construction endeavors. We will synthesize the learnings into a report that capture the progress and insights gained from the clinics.

Best examples of Nordic low carbon buildings

We create a catalogue of exemplary low carbon buildings, that can serve as good examples for future construction projects. This exemplary project will include an evaluation of the climate impacts and their material usage.

Webinar Agenda 11.00 - 12.00 (CEST)

Central European Summer Time

11.00 Welcome, Christine Collin, Sweco Denmark
11.05 Overall project presentation: Low carbon clinics, catalogue of best examples, and overall project outcomes, Christine Collin, Sweco Denmark
11.30 Low carbon clinics, Karin Cochard, Sweco Norway
11.45 How to join the clinics and Q&A
12.00 End of webinar