Webinar and report launch

Low Carbon Clinics


Join this webinar that marks the launch of the "Low Carbon Clinics" report. The report details the procedures and findings from various clinics conducted across Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, addressing real-life challenges and potential solutions for decarbonization in the construction industry.

The "Low Carbon Clinics" report encapsulates collective efforts to advance sustainable building practices across the Nordic region and Estonia. The report details the procedures and findings from various clinics conducted across Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, addressing real-life challenges and potential solutions for decarbonization in the construction industry.

The primary purpose of this initiative is to facilitate knowledge sharing among industry professionals and policymakers, providing valuable insights and tools to support the implementation of low-carbon practices in building projects.

On January the 23rd, the project team will launch the report at a webinar where we will present the key findings from the work.

Agenda 12.00 - 13.00 (UTC+1)

12.00 Welcome
Maria Tiainen, Finnish Ministry of Environment
12.05 Presentation of the overall project and key findings
Rikke Schack and Nicolaj Langkjær, SWECO DK
12.20 Low Carbon Clinic - Estonia
Anni Oviir, LCA Support
12.35 Low Carbon Clinic - Sweden
Anna Joelsson and Inga Sjöberg, SWECO SWE
12.50  Q&A
13.00 End of webinar

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